Do the Bajorans belong to the Federation?
What are the names of three Bajoran provinces?
Dekor, Racaantha and Mouscilla.
What's the name of the Klingon homeworld?
Qo'noS, (pronounced Kro-nos).
What is the designation of Voyager, the Enterprize, the Defiant, and the Enterprize D?
NCC-74656, NCC-1701, NX-74205 (I found it!), NCC-1701-D.
Who invented warp drive?
Zefram Cochrane.
What does the phrase, "Blo'moHQ!" mean?
"You're very ugly!"
What is so special about the "Defiant"?
It's the only Federation ship with a cloaking device.
Who made "first contact" with humans?
Name the homeworlds for these species;